Arriving in Central Sulawesi Prabowo Welcomed by the Community Well

Jurnal Portal. On January 8, 2019, Prabowo Subianto arrived in Palu to greet the hammer residents affected by the natural disaster, when he arrived at the hammer he was greeted with warm and lively.
Inside the Prabowo airport, he met with several important shops in Palu, he had time to talk and shake hands.

Then Prabowo resigned from the airport in a rousing welcome by the people of Central Sulawesi and the Middle Ages of Central Sulawesi with great fanfare, shouting takbir heard in the ears of Prabowo Subianto.
"Takbir ... Allahu Akbar, Takbir ... Allahu Akbar, Prabowo's life, president's Prabowo," shouted excitedly tens of mothers in the airport area.

In addition, the mothers who came from the Palu Union Prabowo-Sandi (Body Building) volunteer group in the Palu area were also scrambling to be able to shake hands. Prabowo did not hesitate to approach and extend his hand to shake hands.

"Mr. Prabowo is the mother and father, you want to shake your hand, we support your victory," said Amma's mother from the Permak Bodi volunteer group.
The Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP also expressed his gratitude for the welcome given by the Central Sulawesi community.

"Thank you, thank you for the remarks," said Prabowo while greeting the mothers.

Prabowo Very much awaited his arrival by the people of Central Sulawesi, he was received well and warmly, he was highly respected in Central Sulawesi as a candidate for President in the next period.


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