The Joint Police Team is Ready to Face the Case of the Baswedan Novel Proposed by the Prabowo-Sandiaga Team

Rakyat Id. Dahnil Anzar, coordinator of the spokesman for the National Winning Body Prabowo-Sandiaga, explained that his team was very prejudiced for the purpose of forming a Joint Team with the Baswedan Novel by the Republic of Indonesia Police and very much hoped that this joint team would not be formed merely to anticipate the 2019 Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections January 17

"We are prejudiced. "This good premise is not prepared to answer questions ahead of the debate," he said

The Indonesian National Police Headquarters explained that it had issued a letter of assignment in the formation of the Joint Team for the Baswedan Novel case and this Team would be on duty since the moon months from 8 January 2019 to thoroughly investigate the case of the attack against the Corruption Eradication Commission investigator

Dahnil sangata said that the Joint Team that had been formed had not fulfilled the expectations of civil society groups because the community groups and the legal team of the novel themselves wanted a joint independent fact-finding team.

The joint team that already exists today is directly led by the Indonesian National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian

"Why, because from the beginning there was a distrust in handling this case," said Dahnil. "Moreover, in the police there is already a team called Pak Tito formed to seriously handle this case."

The establishment held a Joint Team for the Case of the Bawedan Novel for Debate which will take place on Thursday next week, January 17, discussing issues of law, human rights, corruption, and terrorism.

The Prabowo-Sandiaga Team has explained that it has a number of criticisms of the government era, and one of them is concerning the Case of the Novel

Dahnil also explained that the formation of the TGPF which would become very focused was chosen by Prabowo-Sandiaga
Dahnil explained, since the beginning of the novel Baswedan case and he was not in a position that had become a case of this being a political commodity

and as a member of the Prabowo-Sandiaga Winning Body, Dahnil claimed that he continued to encourage the new TGPF to be formed independently

"What we want to encourage in the BPN team is to ensure an independent TGPF," he said


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